Terms and rules

PRAVILA FORUMA (srpski jezik)

Prva verzija foruma OGAE Srbija pokrenuta je 9. aprila 2008. godine, a nova je aktuelna od 4. februara 2022. Cilj OGAE Srbija foruma je razmena mišljenja i informacija u vezi sa Pesmom Evrovizije i muzičkim dešavanjima, kao i povezivanje ljudi sa sličnim interesovanjima. Pristup forumu imaju svi registrovani korisnici. Registracija korisničkog naloga na OGAE Srbija forumu je besplatna i intuitivna. Na forum OGAE Srbija su dobrodošli svi članovi, bez obzira na poreklo, rasu, nacionalnost, veroispovest i seksualnu orijentaciju.

  • Forum je dostupan samo korisnicima koji imaju najmanje 13 godina. Ako ste mlađi, molimo Vas nemojte se registrovati niti koristiti naše usluge. Ukoliko se registrujete ili koristite naše usluge, izjavljujete da imate 13 ili više godina. Ako ste maloletni, tj. imate ispod 18 godina, preporučljivo je da posećujete forum uz prisustvo roditelja ili staratelja.
  • Član je obavezan da poštuje pravila foruma.
  • Poruke novih članova prolaze postupak pregleda i odobravanja, sve dok ne napišu do 30 odobrenih poruka.
  • Član je obavezan da poštuje druge članove i njihovo mišljenje bez obzira da li se sa njime slaže ili ne.
  • Iznošenje podataka kojim bi se mogla narušiti privatnost ili ugled drugih članova je zabranjeno.
  • Nadimke forumaša na forumskim izborima, obavezno je ispravno pisati, pri čemu se moraju razlikovati mala i velika slova. Pravilnici forumskih izbora su definisani zasebno u okviru odgovarajućih tema, a u skladu sa ovim pravilima.
  • Izbegavajte slanje više poruka zaredom. Sve što ste izostavili, možete lako dodati u narednih 10 minuta, koristeći opciju "Edit" koja se nalazi u okviru svake poruke.
  • Ukoliko prenosite tekst iz drugih medija, dužni ste da navedete njegov izvor.
  • Zabranjeno je pisanje poruka velikim slovima (ALLCAPS) jer se taj način pisanja smatra vikanjem.
  • Zabranjeno je lažno predstavljanje i korišćenje višestrukih naloga na forumu od strane iste osobe. Ukoliko više ljudi koristi isti računar ili istu internet konekciju, i žele da učestvuju na forumu, dužni su o tome da obaveste administratora ili moderatore foruma. Kada se koristi VPN konekcija (virtuelna privatna mreža), postoji mogućnost da post ne bude odobren, odnosno bude izbrisan.
  • Zabranjeno je postavljanje iste poruke više puta u istoj ili u različitim temama i forumima.
  • Uznemiravanje članova putem privatnih poruka ili slanje reklama najstrože je zabranjeno.
  • Svaka reklama i ostavljanje linkova ka drugim forumima i sajtovima na bilo kom delu foruma, uključujući potpis, profil i direktne poruke je zabranjeno, osim u slučaju kada se radi o destinacijama koje su prihvatljive za uredništvo foruma.
  • Najstrože je zabranjeno vređanje i provociranje urednika foruma. Ako ste nezadovoljni nekim njihovim postupkom, to iznesite u temi Predlozi i utisci o forumu ili im se obratite putem direktne poruke.
  • Saglasni ste da nećete koristiti forum za slanje ili povezivanje sa bilo kojim sadržajem koji je klevetnički, uvredljiv, pun mržnje, preteći, nepoželjan ili nalik na neželjenu poštu, koji bi mogao da uvredi, odnosno koji sadrži sadržaj za odrasle ili nepoželjan sadržaj, sadrži lične podatke drugih, rizikuje kršenje autorskih prava, podstiče nezakonite aktivnosti ili na drugi način krši bilo koji zakon. Vi ste u potpunosti odgovorni za sadržaj i bilo kakvu štetu nastalu iz tog sadržaja ili vašeg ponašanja.
  • Zabranjeno je postavljanje sadržaja kojima se krše pravni akti Republike Srbije.
  • Ukoliko član prekrši neko od pravila ponašanja na forumu, administrator i moderatori imaju pravo da javno, putem odgovarajućih funkcionalnosti foruma, ali i putem direktnih poruka upozore člana da ne ponavlja radnje koja su predmet upozorenja. Članovi nemaju pravo da se javno protive odlukama administratora i moderatora.
  • Svaki član može da prijavi poruku kojom se na bilo koji način krše pravila foruma. Prijava sporne poruke se vrši putem funkcije "Report" koja se nalazi u donjem levom uglu svake poruke.
  • Prijava sporne privatne poruke se vrši putem funkcije "Report" koja se nalazi u donjem levom uglu svake privatne poruke. Procesom prijave, privatna poruka postaje dostupna administratoru.
  • Administrator i moderatori foruma zadržavaju diskreciono pravo da, kada smatraju da situacija to zahteva, odreaguju na način koji smatraju prikladnim, čak iako on nije eksplicitno naveden u pravilima.
  • Zadržavamo pravo da u svakom trenutku uklonimo ili izmenimo bilo koji objavljeni sadržaj, sa ili bez razloga, sa ili bez objašnjenja. Naše je diskreciono pravo da vaše zahteve za uklanjanje ili izmenu bilo kog sadržaja prihvatimo ili ne. Zadržavamo pravo da u potpunosti ili delimično uskratimo pristup našim servisima u bilo koje vreme, sa ili bez razloga, sa ili bez obaveštenja.
  • Administrator i urednici zadržavaju pravo da banuju korisnike, privremeno ili trajno. Zabrane su moguće u pojedinačnim temama ili na celom forumu.
  • Brisanje korisničkog naloga nije moguće, i takvi zahtevi neće biti uzeti u razmatranje.
  • Ova pravila mogu biti promenjena u bilo kom trenutku.
Poslednja izmena pravila: 21.07.2024.

FORUM RULES (english language)

OGAE Serbia forum began with its work on April 9, 2008, and the new version is valid from February 4, 2022. The goal of this forum is to make people exchange their opinions and informations related to Eurovision Song Contest and different music events, as well as connecting people who share similar interests. Everyone who becomes a registered user has the access to the forum. The registration process is very simple and it's intuitive. Everybody are welcome to register, no matter what country they are coming from, race, nationality, religion or sexual orientation.

  • This Service is only available to users who are at least 13 years old. If you are younger than this, please do not register for this Service. If you register for this Service, you represent that you are this age or older. If you are a minor, i.e. you are under 18 years old, it is recommended that you visit the forum with the presence of a parent or guardian.
  • A member must respect the forum rules.
  • New members' messages are reviewed and approved until they write up to 30 approved posts.
  • A member must respect other users and their opinions, even if he doesn't agree.
  • Informations that could have a negative influence on any of the users, ruining his privacy, won't be allowed either.
  • Nicks of all users must be written correctly, and everyone has to make a difference between small and capital letters. Rules of the forum contests are defined for themselves, in the right topics, and in connection with these main rules.
  • Don't make double, triple... or more posts one after another. If you missed something, you can easily edit your message in the next 10 minutes, using the option "Edit" which is located on every post.
  • If you are posting the text from other media, you are obliged to indicate its source.
  • It's not allowed to write messages using capital letters (ALLCAPS) because it is considered as rude behavior and yelling.
  • It's forbidden to use double accounts, or make a false presentation of yourself. If more people are using the same computer, or the same internet connection, and they want to be a part of the forum, they must inform the forum administrator or the forum moderator about this. When using a VPN (virtual private network) connection, there is a possibility that the post may not be approved or may be deleted.
  • It's not allowed to post the same message in the same and/or different topics and forums.
  • Disturbing and bullying the other members via private messages, and posting the commercial banners is strictly forbidden.
  • Every commercial and posting the links to the other forums and websites on any other section of the forum, including the signature, profile and contents of the direct messages are forbidden, except if the destinations are acceptable to the forum editors.
  • It's strictly forbidden to insult and provoke the forum administrator and the forum moderator. If you are not happy with some of their actions, feel free to say your opinion in the topic Predlozi i utisci o forumu or contact them through a direct message.
  • You agree to not use the forum to submit or link to any content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains adult or objectionable content, contains personal information of others, risks copyright infringement, encourages unlawful activity, or otherwise violates any laws. You are entirely responsible for the content of, and any harm resulting from, that content or your conduct.
  • Posting content that violates the legal acts of the Republic of Serbia is prohibited.
  • If a member violates any of the rules of behavior on the forum, the administrator and moderators have the right to publicly, through the appropriate functions of the forum, but also through direct message, warn the member not to repeat the actions that are the subject of the warning. Members do not have the right to publicly oppose the decisions of administrators and moderators.
  • Every member can report a message that violates the rules of the forum. A report of the disputed message can be done by clicking on the "Report" button which is located in the lower left corner of each message.
  • A report of the disputed private message can be done by clicking on the "Report to admin" which is located in the lower left corner of each private message. After the report ends, the private message can be viewed by the administrator.
  • The administrator and the moderator keep all rights to, if the situation requires, react in the way they think it's the best, even if it is not explicitly stated in the rules.
  • We reserve the right to remove or edit any posted content at any time, with or without reason, with or without explanation. It is at our discretion whether or not to accept your requests to remove or modify any content. We reserve the right to deny access to our services in whole or in part at any time, with or without reason, with or without notice.
  • The administrator and editors reserve the right to ban users, temporarily or permanently. Bans are possible in individual topics or in the entire forum.
  • Deleting a user account is not possible, and such requests will not be considered.
  • These terms may be changed at any time.
  • If there is a difference between the Serbian and English versions of the rules, the Serbian version takes precedence.
Last modified: 21st July 2024.