si Slovenija 2024: Raiven - Veronika

Nadam se da će Raiven izbaciti evrovizijsku verziju pesme na striming platforme 😍
Mislim da je jedino kod nje bilo kadriranje gore nego za Srbiju. :D Pesma je imala toliki potencijal za nastup, a nije iskorišćen ni deseti deo. Uh, šta je od ovoga moglo da se napravi da bude materijal barem za top 15.

No, super makar za finale! Pesma mi se baš dopada i konstantno mi je rasla na listi, od prvog puta kad nisam uspeo ni da je primetim, sve dok mi nije skroz legla i ušla u širi krug favorita.
Pročitao sam u komentarima nastupa, da plesači oko nje u krugu predstavljaju zapravo vatru u kojoj Veronika gori, te da se u toku tog dela nastupa podižu i dolaze joj do lica što bi bila vatra koja je guta. Koliko zapravo genijalno :love:
Pismo RTVSLO upućeno EBU

After this year’s Eurovision week, Television Slovenia, which traditionally takes care of the ESC (Eurovision Song) project, collected some of the most urgent questions that are the result of this year’s event and events related to it.

We emphasise that the selection for the Eurovision Song Contest is an extremely important project for Televizija Slovenija and Slovenia, that it is an event with an exceptional resonance in our country and among our musicians, and that RTVSLO is happy to be a part of this story. That is why, after this year’s polemical Eurovision week, Televizija Slovenija requests some concrete answers to the most pressing questions from those responsible at the EBU, and at the same time wants these questions to stimulate a wider discussion about the future and development of the Eurovision Song Contest, which, as already noted, this year was unfortunately marked by many polemical discussions.

Televizija Slovenija is therefore asking the EBU for data on the voting of the Slovenian audience, not just the number of votes, but exact data on how the Slovenian audience voted. The total result raises some doubts, especially the large number of ‘new’ online voters, which have not been there before.

Televizija Slovenija, among other things, requests more precise explanations from the EBU regarding the exclusion of the Netherlands; reports by some media that technical means were used to replace the actual sound image of what was happening in the hall; on banning the EU flag; about the possible influence of the sponsor on the content of the event…

Dobro se poteglo i pitanje ROTW, kapiram dobru nameru iza toga ali bukvalno ce uvek Izrael imati besplatnih 12 poena radi toga.
Ali Micka i Raiven, eeeej Micka, likuša što je išla u razred sa mojim drugom iz doma iz srednje škole, Micka koja je izdala pesmu kako voli da se njiha, bivša profesorka likovnog iz eletrotehničke škole u NS :D Ja sam još uvek pod šokom gde su se njih dve našle :D