at Austrija 2024: Kaleen - We Will Rave

Samo da vokalno improvizuje inače ne prestajem da je slušam otprilike od trenutka kada je leakovana pesma.
Malo kasnije gledamo i fotke sa prve žurke (probe) Austrije :)

Foto: ORF/Roman Zach-Kiesling

Interesantan opis:

Staging-wise, there's an inverted pyramid made of metal scaffolding hanging above the middle of the stage, that shoots lasers, giving the stage a warehouse rave vibe. She starts the performance wearing a long white coat with a train, but that's dispensed with as soon as the bass kicks in, revealing a silver sparkly leotard and matching thigh boots. She has four male backing dancers, wearing black cargo pants, sleeveless jackets and oversized wraparound shades. With Kaleen they deliver a full-on dance routine that covers the whole stage.
There's also a RUM-DE-DUM-DA-DA hip swivel move that we will absolutely be practising in Euroclub.
Genuinely wish it was possible to explain what this track FEELS like at full volume in the arena - it's very much a full body experience.
I ja sam mislio da će biti golišavija na osnovu svega do sada viđenog. Na kraju ispade konzervativnija od Malte, Slovenije, Češke i Finske.
I meni ovo deluje skladno. Ne volim pesmu, ali ovakva estetika baš ide i verujem da će da naprave baš dinamične kadrove sa laserima, svetlima i ovom obrnutom piramidom.
Koreografija je top. Ovo sto sam videla ce mi verovatno biti u rangu She got me. Obozavam kad su plesaci uvezbani kao jedan.